

  1. SWFBI has worked out an arrangement with the Florida Baptists Association and all students, who complete the required work, will receive a Chaplaincy Certificate. This Chaplaincy Certificate is sponsored by the Florida Baptist Association, and it is their endorsement that confirms that all work has been completed for the Chaplaincy Program.
  2. The Chaplaincy Program at SWFBI is designed to be a one-year program that consists of four (4) quarterly courses of three (3) credits each.
    • Chaplaincy 1
    • Chaplaincy 2
    • Chaplaincy 3
    • Chaplaincy 4
  3. Concurrent with those classroom courses, the student must complete work for the Florida Baptists Association on their website (worth 18 credits when all is completed). The Chaplaincy Program requires a personal computer with internet capabilities, and internet access is provided during class work at SWFBI.
  4. Students who complete this Chaplaincy Program and wish to continue to receive a degree from SWFBI will receive 30 credits towards any future degree.


  1. The Associates Degree is typically a two-year course of study and is designed to prepare the student for becoming a Sunday school teacher or Bible study leader.
  2. SWFBI requires 20 courses of 3 credits each for a total of 60 credit hours that can be finished in about two years taking 3 courses per quarter, but you can always work at your own pace as your schedule permits. There is no deadline for completion of studies.
  3. Students who finish with their Associate’s Degree will automatically be ready for the Bachelor’s Degree Program is so desired.


  1. The Bachelor’s Degree is typically a four-year course of study and is designed to prepare the student for a deeper understanding of the Bible. The Bachelor’s Degree will open many ministry doors or prepare you for more advanced degrees here or at another Bible college.
  2. SWFBI requires 40 courses of 3 credits each for a total of 120 credit hours that can be finished in about four years taking 3 courses per quarter, but you can always work at your own pace as your schedule permits. There is no deadline for completion of studies.

CEU credits

  1. SWFBI is also able to offer Continuing Education Units (2 CEU’s per class) for Christian School teachers to meet their ACSI Bible Standards or teacher license requirements.


  1. SWFBI will also allow students to audit the course without credit or grade for those not wanting to pursue a full degree or just want to see what Christian ministry might be like. Testing and homework not required since no grade.
  2. The student must identify as either Audit or Degree at registration. The student may transfer from Audit to Degree anytime they choose, but not during mid-quarter since there were no grades given.

Associate Degree Required Courses (7)

OT 1000 Creation Studies: Genesis 1-11

OT 1001 Jewish Roots of Christianity 1

NT 1004 Bible Study Methods

TH 1007 Theology 1

GS 2002 Introduction to Public Speaking

GS 1006 Introduction to Christian Apologetics

GS 1009 American Political Philosophy 1

These are the required classes for a degree in Bible or Chaplaincy. If you are an incoming student, and you have already attained an ABS, you should still take these classes to apply for your BBS. There is no specific course path for your bachelor’s degree. To attain a bachelor’s degree, you must do 5 Old Testament classes, 5 New Testament classes, 5 Bible/theology classes, and the required courses listed above, over the course of your career as a student here. Master’s degree programs are completely different, and by correspondence only. You can apply for a master’s degree after you have received a bachelor’s degree.

Bachelor’s Degrees offered at SWFBI, Inc.

Bachelor’s in Theology Bachelor’s in Christian Ministry Bachelor’s in Pastoral Studies

*Assoc. in Bible (20 classes) *Assoc. in Bible (20 classes) *Assoc. in Bible (20 classes)

GS 2002 Public Speaking GS 2002 Public Speaking GS 2002 Public Speaking

GS 2009 Amer. Pol. Phil. 2 GS 2009 Amer. Pol. Phil. 2 GS 2009 Amer. Pol. Phil. 2

OT 2001 Jewish Roots 2 OT 2001 Jewish Roots 2 OT 2001 Jewish Roots 2

TH 2005 Ecclesiology TH 2000 Understanding the Trinity TH 2000 Understanding the Trinity

TH 2006 Hermeneutics NT 2004 Leadership Ministry NT 2004 Leadership Ministry

TH 2007 Homiletics TH Suffering and Brokenness GS 2010 Pastoral Epistles

TH 2008 Eschatology – End Times NT 2016 Book of Acts GS 2013 Kingdom of the Cults

TH 2003 Relevance of Creation GS 2022 Unseen Realms NT 2014 Book of John

TH 2000 Understanding the Trinity OT1000 Genesis 1-11 (if not taken under Associates) NT 2023 Life of Christ

OT1000 Genesis 1-11 (if not taken under Associates) NT 2015 Book of Romans

And 11 additional electives.

Bachelor’s in Christian Ministry Bachelor’s in Pastoral Studies

*Assoc. in Bible (20 classes) *Assoc. in Bible (20 classes) *Assoc. in Bible (20 classes)

GS 2002 Public Speaking GS 2002 Public Speaking GS 2002 Public Speaking

GS 2009 Amer. Pol. Phil. 2 GS 2009 Amer. Pol. Phil. 2 GS 2009 Amer. Pol. Phil. 2

OT 2001 Jewish Roots 2 OT 2001 Jewish Roots 2 OT 2001 Jewish Roots 2

TH 2005 Ecclesiology TH 2000 Understanding the Trinity TH 2000 Understanding the Trinity

TH 2006 Hermeneutics NT 2004 Leadership Ministry NT 2004 Leadership Ministry

TH 2007 Homiletics TH Suffering and Brokenness GS 2010 Pastoral Epistles

TH 2008 Eschatology – End Times NT 2016 Book of Acts GS 2013 Kingdom of the Cults

TH 2003 Relevance of Creation GS 2022 Unseen Realms NT 2014 Book of John

TH 2000 Understanding the Trinity OT1000 Genesis 1-11 (if not taken under Associates) NT 2023 Life of Christ

OT1000 Genesis 1-11 (if not taken under Associates) NT 2015 Book of Romans

And 11 additional electives. And 12 additional electives.

Bachelor’s in Pastoral Studies

*Assoc. in Bible (20 classes) *Assoc. in Bible (20 classes) *Assoc. in Bible (20 classes)

GS 2002 Public Speaking GS 2002 Public Speaking GS 2002 Public Speaking

GS 2009 Amer. Pol. Phil. 2 GS 2009 Amer. Pol. Phil. 2 GS 2009 Amer. Pol. Phil. 2

OT 2001 Jewish Roots 2 OT 2001 Jewish Roots 2 OT 2001 Jewish Roots 2

TH 2005 Ecclesiology TH 2000 Understanding the Trinity TH 2000 Understanding the Trinity

TH 2006 Hermeneutics NT 2004 Leadership Ministry NT 2004 Leadership Ministry

TH 2007 Homiletics TH Suffering and Brokenness GS 2010 Pastoral Epistles

TH 2008 Eschatology – End Times NT 2016 Book of Acts GS 2013 Kingdom of the Cults

TH 2003 Relevance of Creation GS 2022 Unseen Realms NT 2014 Book of John

TH 2000 Understanding the Trinity OT1000 Genesis 1-11 (if not taken under Associates) NT 2023 Life of Christ

OT1000 Genesis 1-11 (if not taken under Associates) NT 2015 Book of Romans

And 11 additional electives. And 12 additional electives. And 10 additional electives.