This is a Christian Civic Course. We will study definitions of civil terminology, review of the Declaration of Independence, The law as it relates to man’s relationship with God, Man’s relationship with man, and man’s relationship with nature. We will also discuss changes in government from Genesis forward, the Daniel prophecy, the Roman Empire, Alfred the Great, the Holy Roman Empire, the Catholic Revolution, Martin Luther, the Magna Carta, various political philosophers, the pilgrims, The Glorious Revolution, Colonial Charter, and the King’s Misconduct.
This class is a Christian Civics class and is a continuation of Part I. Material will be provided by the instructor as the course progresses. Here we dive into Articles of Association and Declaration of Rights, Lexington and Concord, the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, The war and the peace treaty, Shay’s Rebellion, Scheduling a Constitutional Convention, and A Constitutional Convention. We will also cover Rousseau and the French Revolution, Federalists Papers, the Constitution. We then touch on The Monroe Doctrine, The Commerce Clause, the evolution of education, the General Welfare Clause, reduction in freedom, the administrative state, State and local government, and culminate with Biblical principles for structuring a civil society, and a “Prophetic“ future.
The course covers the appearances of Jesus in the Old Testament as TYPES and pre-incarnate appearances. It examines the four Gospels in regard to His life and ministry on earth with the emphasis on the specific presentation of the Lord. to the Jews as their Messiah: the Greeks, as the perfect Man; the Romans as the Servant, and John – as The Son of God. There are prescribed assignments and exams. The Text is “The Life And Ministry of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The text “The Amazing Gospel Explained”. Looks at Paul’s thorough explanation of the teaching of the Gospel. The meaning of each chapter and verse is presented in a brief survey. There are required assignments and exams.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Rom 1:16 Today, there are more Jewish people coming to faith in the MESSIAH than there has been since the first century. God is working among the Jewish people, and where the Lord is at work, we must also be at work. At times, however, witnessing to Jewish people can seem intimidating: What if they ask me a question that I don’t know the answer to? What if I’m rejected because I don’t understand their culture and traditions? How can those of us who are Gentiles effectively reach Jewish and Gentile people with the Good News Gospel? This course developed for SWFBI in order to equip and empower you to live out the high calling of representing the Jewish Messiah. You will learn through the Jewish Evangelism course: Reasons you should share the Gospel with Jewish and Gentile people, Major obstacles that hinder Jewish people from considering faith in Yeshua, and how to answer common legitimate objections to the Good News that a Jewish person may have. When Paul was speaking to Gentiles in Romans 11:5, he encouraged them with these words: “So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.” God has prepared Jewish people in our neighborhoods and communities to give ear and respond to the Good News as shared by the Jewish Messiah.
New Testament Books of 1st ,2nd, 3rd John and Jude
1 John presents criteria for testing the Christian profession of teachers and individual
Christians. Those who demonstrate these traits have eternal life. John would repeat these
themes several times in the epistle as a test to determine the presence of eternal life. 2 John provides encouragement to Christian love, and warning against false teaching. 3 John presents a contrast between the truth and service demonstrated by Gaius and the arrogance shown by Diotrephes. John emphasized that “truth” was a type of behavior that agreed with the doctrine Christians professed. The autocratic behavior of Diotrephes violated this behavior. John wanted to bring his domineering practice to an end. Jude began with the intention of discussing the theme of “salvation.” Jude goes on to discuss false teachers, and resisting the false teachers.
Introduction to Christian Apologetics
The course is an introductory level course. However, some of the material will be challenging and may involve concepts that are new to the student. Each week the lectures will cover the topics from the textbook, but will also include information that is supplemental to the topic of apologetics. The student will be able to converse with others, saved or unsaved, on an “apologetic” level which means they will have a general skill in defending their faith and a reasonable skill in logical thinking.
The Bible: It’s Origin, Transmission, and Preservation
The students will gain a general understanding of how the Bible came to be in its present form and how we can be sure it has been accurately and faithfully copied, translated, and reserved throughout its history Testament Book of Esther God worked behind the scenes to save the Jews from destruction by exalting Esther as queen of Persia and turning the tables on their enemies.
One Faithful Life – Paul Of Tarsus
This course will encompass a study of the life of the Apostle Paul. The student will be required to purchase a recently released and inexpensive book by John MacArthur entitled One Faithful Life. The book covers Paul’s salvation experience, missionary journeys, arrest, imprisonment and martyrdom. An in depth review of the thirteen Pauline epistles will also be accomplished.
The Tower of Babel and the New World Order
The Tower of Babel and the New World Order. Much, if not all, modern day paganism, cults, and political systems can trace their roots back to the Tower of Babel. A Study Of Genesis 11:1- 9 will establish a foundation For This course. Following the Hermeneutical “First Mention Principals,” we will study how this mindset has always been in the heart of rebellious men, ever since the book Of Genesis. Learn all about it in this course.
The Temple
An overview of the three historical temples of the Israelites in Jerusalem: namely, Solomon’s temple, Zerubbabel’s temple, and Herod’s temple. The course will then focus on the book “Temple” by Robert Cornuke. Furthermore, we will watch the DVD on The Temple by Bob Cornuke. The question about the original location of Solomon’s temple will be discussed. The facts will be examined. This will have profound implications on the locale where the temple will be rebuilt in the last days.
Archaeology II
Close Up Study Of Machu Picchu, Peru– A Pre Columbian Inca city located high in the Andes mountains and at the rim of the Amazon River Basin. Archaeoastronomy will be examined in great detail at this locale. Recent archaeological studies around the globe reveal that there are “Stonehenges” everywhere, that feature solar, lunar and stellar sites whereby the ancients studied the heavens. This plethora of global sites, of which Machu Picchu is a prime example, all find their roots at the Biblical Tower of Babel (Genesis 11). Several features of this remote Inca outpost reveal the brilliance of ancient man. Many photographs of this famous site will be shared with the class, taken by the instructor of this class.
Jewish Roots II – THE FEASTS of ISRAEL
The LORD spoke again to Moses, saying, “Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘The LORD’S appointed times which you shall proclaim as holy convocations – My appointed times are these Lev 23:1-2. This course will take a close look at the feast of Israel. God gave these feast to teach His people about Himself and also to show the relationship He desired to have with His people. Beginning with the Sabbath which is the first holy day found in the scriptures we will continue our study through the seven Biblical feast found in Leviticus 23. Each class covers the historical background, how it was observed then and now, the relevance to the New testament believers and the prophetic significance of each feast.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Rom 1:16 Today, there are more Jewish people coming to faith in the MESSIAH than there has been since the first century. God is working among the Jewish people, and where the Lord is at work, we must also be at work. At times, however, witnessing to Jewish people can seem intimidating: What if they ask me a question that I don’t know the answer to? What if I’m rejected because I don’t understand their culture and traditions? How can those of us who are Gentiles effectively reach Jewish and Gentile people with the Good News Gospel? This course developed for SWFBI in order to equip and empower you to live out the high calling of representing the Jewish Messiah. You will learn through the Jewish Evangelism course: Reasons you should share the Gospel with Jewish and Gentile people, Major obstacles that hinder Jewish people from considering faith in Yeshua, and how to answer common legitimate objections to the Good News that a Jewish person may have. When Paul was speaking to Gentiles in Romans 11:5, he encouraged them with these words: “So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.” God has prepared Jewish people in our neighborhoods and communities to give ear and respond to the Good News as shared by the Jewish Messiah.
A verse by verse explanation of these two epistles by Peter. The tests are “Encouraging News for Suffering Christians” and “Things Christians Desperately Need Today.” Grades will be given based on scores for assignments given along with a Midterm and Final Exam. Lectures are on nearly every verse of these two books. Philippians and James Study Texts are “Secrets of Joyous Christian Living” and Christian Faith in Action”. Joy is defined and explained in Philippians, in chapter by Chapter lectures. James looks at the believer’s expected works because of salvation. There are written assignments and in class tests on Philippians and James.
The text is “Survey of Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians” Lectures on every chapter of this Epistle. Written assignments and in-class Midterm and Final exams. DANIEL The text is “Survey of the Book of Daniel”. Verse by verse lectures on the biblical text. written assignments, and in class Midterm and Final exams on the book. PUBLIC SPEAKING FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE Students will present three formal speeches of five to seven minutes. There will be “Popcorn Speeches” which require spontaneous presentations on various subjects, mostly pertaining to the Bible. Students will also participate in grading speeches of fellow class members according to critique sheets presented. A minimal class lecture by the instructor.
Five-Fold Christology in the Old Testament
Jesus came to fulfill the Law, the Psalms and the Prophets. (Matthew 5:17, Luke 24:44) His coming was announced in the Old Testament and this course will help one to understand how clearly this was revealed. This class will also examine Jesus as Eternal God, always existing with the Father, and never having been created Himself. This course is also a tremendous apologetic tool, revealing that God is the Author of the Bible, as only He could link our Messiah to both Testaments so conclusively!
Old Testament Book of Joel (Minor Prophet)
The name Joel means Yahweh is God. The theme of the book is “The day of the Lord is near.” God can use crises to make His people aware of their utter dependence on Him and their need for spiritual renewal. Sin is serious and merits God‘s judgment. Judgment can be avoided by heartfelt prayer and repentance. God is gracious and merciful. God’s desire is to forgive His people and pour out His Spirit on them.
The Secrets Of Ancient Man
The Secrets Of Ancient Man reveals mankind’s rebellious deviation from God’s will at the Tower of Babel. The bulk of the book reveals how nearly all of man’s rebellion can be traced to Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel. The many cultures and great empires throughout human history will be studied in depth, along with archaeology and archaeo-astronomy, forgotten inventions of ancient man, pyramids and mounds located around the globe, false manmade gods and religious systems, and we will observe that all of these factors are easily traced to mankind’s first rebellion. This fallen mindset will be dramatically contrasted with God’s desire and will for which He intended for mankind to live.
A Comprehensive Study Of The Biblical Exodus
The class will carefully study the Bible [only book required] in order to understand the fascinating story of the Exodus. Three DVD’s will greatly enhance our understanding of the historical, scientific and archaeological concepts of the Exodus. Most Biblical maps give no confirmed route of the Exodus, and they often have question marks on them. Furthermore,
there is no unanimity of the date of this great event. The location of Mount Horeb where the ten commandments were given by the Lord will also be studied in depth.
The student will need to bring their Bible, notebook and pen. Students who actively are engaged in teaching and/or preaching or feel called to do so, will be afforded the opportunity to share a message in class. The class will cover several aspects of effective preaching/teaching,The need for continual Bible study, prayer, and preparation (II Timothy 2:15), The different types of sermons, Inflecting your voice verses monotone, The continual need for anointing, and other areas of preaching/teaching.
Suffering and Brokenness in the Christian’s Life
The assigned book covers many reasons why the Christian suffers. These will be studied. Individual testimonies of suffering and brokenness will be shared by willing participants within our class. The many Biblical examples of brokenness in the assigned reading will be examined. Special attention will be given to the classic Biblical examples of suffering such as, Jesus from Gethsemane to Golgotha, Job, Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh, and I Peter.
This course is structured around a very small country that is about the size of the state of New Jersey. Small, but it is a country that is extremely newsworthy throughout the world. A desired result of this course is that if you don’t love Israel now, you will and if you do love Israel now, you will love it more. This small portion of land is at the center of Biblical prophecy and Israel is called by many “The center of the Earth and Jerusalem is considered to be the center of the universe. By the end of this course you should be better equipped and able to understand why our Lord loves the land of Israel. This course will help you to understand what is the truth between Israel and the world, enabling you to confidently stand with and for God, Israel and God’s people the Jew. This course will include some of the following and much more: Who should care about Israel; Whose Land Is It anyway; God Prepares A Nation For Its Rebirth; There has been a price to pay; Is Israel Living Out Their Part of Genesis 12:3; Are Prophecies Being Fulfilled Today; The Islamic Threat; BDS: What is it and What Can We as Christians Do.
How lovely is Your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Psalm 84: 1-2. The Wilderness Tabernacle is not only the greatest structure ever built, but a structure where the actual detailed construction plans were given directly by Jehovah Himself. In this course you will deepen your relationship with our Messiah Jesus. There isn’t a place in God’s word that doesn’t portray a picture of a coming Messiah and the great need that we have for Him. Many of the details that our Messiah accomplished in order to restore our relationship with Him will be discovered in the specifics of the Tabernacle. Simply put, studying the Tabernacle will without a doubt, strengthen your trust in the Bible and the God of the Bible!
Students will go through a 9 lesson Discipleship course to learn how to live a Christ-directed life, and be trained to use the material to disciple others in a one to one relationship. The goal will be to learn and begin to apply the core lessons of what it means to be a fully devoted Christ follower, with an ongoing plan for personal growth in each of these areas, in conjunction with a personal plan to disciple others. Students will focus on a practical means of having the Great Commission applied in their lives personally, as Jesus said its goal was “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Creation Studies: Genesis 1-11
The book of Genesis is the most disputed book of the Bible and Chapters 1-11 are the most disputed chapters in Genesis. In these chapters, we learn of God ‘s perfect creation, the Fall of Man, the Biblical curses, the Worldwide Flood, and the Tower of Babel. We learn about the origin of life, the origin of sin, the origin of death, the origin of struggle for survival, and even the origin of the battle of the sexes. These chapters are frequently challenged by evolutionary scientists and skeptics who claim the Bible is wrong, but many Christians also do not understand these chapters. This course will prepare the student to answer the questions most asked by family, friends, and neighbors as well as those of skeptics.
Creation Studies: Relevance
In the second semester, we will learn more about evolution; what it is, and what creation evolution battle is really about. Evolution is not about choices for the origin of life; nor a battle of science versus religion; it is an attack on the whole gospel message. People do not reject creation because of lack of evidence, they accept evolution because they do not want to believe in God! The entire creation-evolution debate is about one thing: do we believe in the authority of God’s word. We will learn that it takes more faith to believe in evolution then to believe in a creator God.
Understanding the Trinity
Many Christians today, including myself before teaching this class, do not have a good response when asked about the trinity. Maybe they will say that God exists as three persons, but they have nothing to say after that. When I was asked this question, I did not have much else to say, but after I read a book authored by Bruce A. Ware from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, my entire perspective of the Trinity changed. For the first time someone explained the Trinity beyond God existing as Three Persons, and now I want to pass along this information to you. Best of all, the teachings of his book and this class comes straight from the Bible.
Biblical Archaeology
Introduction to Biblical Archaeology as an excellent study in Apologetics. Terms used in Archaeology that give us a better understanding of the field. We will also discuss The Dead Sea Scrolls – perhaps the greatest discovery ever, Jabal Al Lawz. The real mountain of Moses? You decide! Peru– Land of Enchantment and Riches In Archaeology. Revealing the brilliance of ancient man, and the coexistence of man and dinosaur.
God’s Divine Design: Curriculum & Instruction
This class is a Christian Curriculum and Instruction class with emphasis on God’s Divine Design. The instructor will demonstrate the best way to share God’s Divine Design. Instruction of being effective Leaders, Teachers, Students and Families supporting God’s Word as being Truth by sharing, caring and being supportive in whatever setting God puts them whether in church, home, family and community. Students will prepare a notebook with weekly materials given out in class. Students will teach a 15/20 lesson using scripture and one of God’s Divine Designs. Students will prepare printed handouts of the lesson to go into each student’s notebook. Grading will be based on class lecture notes, individual notebook and teaching lesson. Materials will be provided by the instructor as the course progresses.
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”
1 Peter 3:15